Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hippo Soap

Since I am awake anyway at almost 4 am, why not blog about hippo soap?
So I have had this cute little guy for several years. (I think my sister bought him for me, although I cannot remember for what occasion or simply because?)

Well, I was going through my bathroom stuff bin the other day, and decided it was time to get him out and use him. Doesn't he look happy?
Although I must say, not well-contoured for ease of use. Oh well. He's cute and that makes up for a lot.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I know, I know. It's very superficial of me to want this. But want it I did.
Although, for a few weeks, I had forgotten that I told my husband I wanted it.
Until it was almost Valentine's day. And I saw he had a Target receipt by his wallet. And then it all came back to me.
Maybe he remembered my whale! And I was so excited.
And later that day, a bit disappointed when the whale did not appear.
Don't get me wrong, he gave me a very, very sweet card. And he wrote thoughtfully in it, and picked it out. Which is also what I "want" in a card. matter how awesome a thing you get is (ok, with me at least), if you were expecting something else, something else that was just THIS awesome, you will be a little sad.
So anyway, we had a talk about it...rather than just me be sad and brooding, so that was good.
And then my mom and sister went to Target. And picked him up.
And he will be at the shower for the baby.
Made my DAY!

Monday, February 6, 2012


And the baby is a....girl.
At least, that's the most they could see. The tech pointed out the 3 girl lines, but she would not open her legs, and therefore, we could not confirm 100% that she is a not a boy.
But that's ok. This way, John (and now me) get to know, but I (and sorta John) still have some element of surprise.
Which is pretty awesome. How often do you get it both ways?
I am going to have my cousin Joyce look at me when I get a baby belly. Apparently she is pretty good to look at someone and know.
I do *sorta* have a little pooch now. That others can see! Woo! Made bigger when I wear three layers of clothes. :)
Next doctor appointment is in two weeks. At first I was confused how I got off track a week early, then I realized I will actually be going in a week *later* than all my other monthly appointments.
I am so easily confused.
Here she (or...ahem, maybe he?) is!